Why did the Foreign Trade University choose the University of New Brunswick (Canada) to implement the Bachelor of Business Administration program?

Update thứ năm, 16/05/2024

After 7 years of cooperation and development, the Bachelor of Business Administration program between the Foreign Trade University and the University of New Brunswick (Canada) is the only undergraduate partnership program between Vietnam and Canada. Professor John Kershaw, Vice President of the University of New Brunswick, shared: "This is the most successful partnership training program, and the quality of Foreign Trade University students is excellent."

As the first public university in North America and the first English-speaking university in Canada, the University of New Brunswick is rated 5 stars according to the QS Star World Rating System and is in the top 5% of universities accredited by AACSB.

With advantages in geographical location and natural resources, New Brunswick has many opportunities to develop diverse business types, from agricultural exports to cybersecurity.

Among the twelve major salmon-producing countries, Canada ranks fourth after Norway, Chile, and Scotland, with New Brunswick accounting for about 40% of Canada's total salmon production.

Most of the world's French fries come from McCain Foods, headquartered in New Brunswick. The company produces one-third of the total frozen French fries produced worldwide.

The University of New Brunswick is home to the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC), a work unit tasked with developing leading cybersecurity technology, training highly skilled experts, and providing cutting-edge research.

With many competitive advantages, the University of New Brunswick has established close connections with businesses, providing opportunities for students to intern and opening doors for future careers.


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