Hotel Supervision and Management Insights with Dias Figuiredo

Update thứ năm, 16/05/2024

If you're pursuing a career in Hotel and Restaurant Management, don't miss out on the valuable insights from expert Sergio Dias Figuiredo. With 8 years of experience managing 5-star hotels in the UK, 4 years managing the British Embassy in Brazil, and currently serving as the partner of the British Ambassador to Vietnam, Mr. Figuiredo brings extensive expertise.

Recently, students of class F-NU-8 in the Hotel and Restaurant Management program were thrilled to learn from Mr. Figuiredo in the Front Office Management and Hotel Supervision & Management courses.

Mr. Figuiredo shared a vast amount of knowledge with the students based on his practical experiences, paying attention to and emphasizing even the smallest details in the industry. Moreover, he instilled in the students a love and passion for their chosen career path, along with a spirit of continuous learning. So, listen attentively to Mr. Figuiredo's valuable insights in the following video!

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