After a Bachelor of Law and Master of Law, Foreign Trade University developed a joint Doctor of Law training program with the University of the West of England.

Update thứ năm, 05/09/2024

On the afternoon of August 28, 2024, at Foreign Trade University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dao Ngoc Tien – Vice President of the School and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ho Thuy Ngoc – Dean of the Faculty of International Education and Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Dat – Vice Dean of the Faculty of International Education welcomed and worked with the delegation of the University of the West of England (UWE), including:

- Ms. Jo Midgley – Vice Chancellor of the University of the West of England, UWE

- Ms. Hoang Lan Hoa – Regional Manager of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, UWE University of the West of England

The Faculty of International Education of Foreign Trade University and the University of the West of England (UWE) have established a solid partnership through collaborating on two joint LLB (Bachelor of Laws) and LLM (Master of Laws) training programs. This cooperation not only gives students the opportunity to access international quality education, but also contributes to promoting the development of the law industry in Vietnam.

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